Thursday, January 12, 2012

How do I get rid of those little white insects on my poinsettias?

I have Poinsettias and for moths everything was just wonderfull with them. A few weeks back I noticed that the leaves were turning into a yellowish tone. Today I checked and there are thousands of little white insectc underneath the leaves. Is this what is killing them? What can I do?

How do I get rid of those little white insects on my poinsettias?
Poinsettias are notorious for getting whiteflies. In the greenhouses we monitored them with yellow sticky traps and when we determined the population was high enough to harm the crop we would get out the bug killer.

In your house I would suggest neem oil or horticultural oil. They are not poison but they coat the insects and they suffocate. They are contact killers (since there is no poison) so you have to be thorough in spraying--undersides and topsides of leaves.

If you do want something that lasts longer get Shultz Houseplant Insect Killer. It last about 3 weeks and it's made from crysanthemum flowers.
Reply:remove as many dead leaves as you can. try a solution of dish soap and water. Maybe half water and half soap. Spray the plant top and bottom. TRy to identify the little bugs by going on line. You might need something stronger.
Reply:spray plant with solution of warm water and dish washing liquid

clear off dying or dead leaves

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