Thursday, January 12, 2012

What country did poinsettias's originally come from?

The origin of the poinsettia is Mexico.

What country did poinsettias's originally come from?

They were brought to the US - and the reason for their name - because the first US Ambassador to Mexico, Joel Poinset. Poinset. He brought back to the US cuttings and grew them in his greenhouse. Poinset was also a Congressman.

Another guy named the plant the Poinsettia in honor of Joel Poinset.

The traditional story is that a poor child went to chuch on Christmas Eve, with nothing to put by the crib. She picked some plain green plnts, which turned into poinsettias in church.
Reply:mexico, they are called noche buenas.
Reply:I believe it is Mexico.
Reply:man!! these cheeze nips are great!!:b

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