Got one as a gift. But put it up high. Are they dangerous
Poinsettias. are they dangerous. I have a cat that chews on all my plants?
The leaves are poisonous to humans I don't know about cats.
I stole this from the net:
I think that poinsettia plants have gotten a bum rap. If they are toxic, it
is a very mild toxicity. I have never had to treat a case of poisoning from
this plant. The plants that worry me most are Easter lilies (actually all
lilies worry me because there are several poisonous ones and I can't
identify types of lilies). Plants that are reported to cause severe
problems with oral ulcers or pharyngeal inflammation include Dieffenbachia
(dumbcane), philodendron and elephant ears (Colocasia). Mistletoe, castor
beans, aloe vera and English ivy are supposed to be able to cause
gastrointestinal discomfort. This is true for daffodil and iris bulbs but I
don't think cats are likely to eat the bulbs. Mountain laurel and azaleas
are also GI irritants but aren't probably available to many housecats.
Japanese yew is really toxic but is also not usually available to
housecats. There are many other toxic plants but most are not used as house
There is a long list of non-poisonous plants that can be downloaded from
the web site but it is for a the PalmOS. It originally came
from Dr. Jill Richardson of the National Animal Poison Control Center, and there may be a version there that is browsable.
There is a shorter list of poisonous plants but since you are looking for
safe plants the first list seems to be more useful as the poisonous plant
list is not complete.
In our practice the plant toxicities that I can remember treating in small
animals are Easter lily, marijuana, mushrooms (only in dogs, so far) and
onion toxicity (cats).
Hope this helps some.
Mike Richards, DVM
Reply:YEs, they are very poisonous. Get rid of it.
Reply:Yes, I never will have poinsettias around the house because my cats are the same way - especially the youngest - Ling Ling.
I nearly went nuts last year when some one sent me one after my mother died (2 weeks before Christmas) and Ling Ling tried to eat the thing . I was constantly keeping her away from it and finding ways to keep her safe--believe me --I was glad when it (the poinsettia) died--normally - I keep them alive - and give them to relatives--but not at the expense of my cats' lives.
Reply:Poinsettas are toxic, but not fatal. They cause GI (mouth, throat, stomach) irritation and burns, vomiting and diarrhea. If your cat is a known chewer, I'd keep him away
Reply:Yes, to cat's they are extremely poisonous.
Reply:yes they are!!!!!!! that can make your cat very sick
Reply:yes. Here is a link from/to the Humane Society regarding houseplants...
Yes they can be if eaten. You know how cats like to get up high.
How about growing some cat nip for your cat? That way the cat will go to that plant and not the others....
Or put it somewhere where the cat is not allowed. We do not let our two into the bathroom where some of my plants are and a couple of my birds are.
BTW many house plants are if eaten.
Reply:yes it can kill your cat..
Poisoned By eating poisonous plants which include rhododendron, hyacinth, poinsettia, and ivy. %26gt;%26gt;%26gt;this was taken from
Reply:yes they are toxic to cats
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Poinsettias. are they dangerous. I have a cat that chews on all my plants?
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